Growing your own fruit can be a great cost-effective way to always have your favourite healthy treat on hand.

But how many of us really know how to grow fruit from our gardens?

If you’re a lover of raspberries and blackberries, you’ll be surprised to hear just how easy they are to grow. All you need are a few key items to get you going, and in no time you’ll be picking berries from your own garden!

YouGarden has great tips on how you can grow your own berries, and it stocks all the items you need to get started.

How to grow your own raspberries and blackberries?

YouGarden experts explain what you need to do. Both these berries are incredibly easy to grow, with limited sun and are very low maintenance.

They can even thrive in small spaces, so if you haven’t got a large outdoor space, that won’t be a problem.

To begin, plant 60cm in rows along walks, fences or in beds or where further support from posts can be needed.

You can also grow these berries in large pots with a diameter of 40cm or more, potting 3-5 canes around the edges.

As always, water after planting.

Cut down any raspberry canes that have already fruited in November. Then leave the long canes for next year’s fruit.

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YouGarden explains: “Summer-fruiting varieties crop in July on last year’s growth, so when their season finishes cut down the fruiting stems. New shoots will soon emerge, and next year’s fruit will be produced on these ripened canes.

“Don’t cut these down, as they will provide the fruit next season. If you would appreciate fresh raspberries over a long season, grow at least one summer and one autumn variety of raspberry bushes.

“Spring is the best time to prune blackberry bushes. The canes usually grow one season; produce fruit the next season, and then die. Once the canes have fruited and died, you should cut them back to just above the ground.”

To get all you need to grow your own, visit the YouGarden website here.

What are the health benefits of berries?

Berries are a great source of vitamin C and fibre and a great addition to any diet.

Raspberries provide a great amount of potassium which is important for healthy heart function and lowering blood pressure.

According to WebMD, they also contain much less sugar than other fruits so are an excellent sweet substitution and add great flavour to other foods.

Blackberries are just as beneficial, with great antioxidant qualities proving to aid digestion and brain health.

According to WebMD, blackberries also help with insulin resistance, so can be a beneficial snack for those with insulin-dependent diabetes.


YouGarden has a vast range of grow-your-own guides, check them out on the website here to see what else you can grow.