WE shared the news that a father from Maryport saved his beloved family pets during a fire which destroyed his home last week.

Daniel Blunt, from Maryport, rushed into his burning home on Elizabeth Terrace in Maryport last Friday, June 19 to save the family dogs, Duke and Duchess, who were trapped in the property.

Dan had gone out to drop the couple's daughter Ruby off at school where she was completing her last exam on Friday, June 14. When he returned home he found his house ablaze with the windows black on the top and upper floor.

Readers praised Daniel for his heroic act.

Kayleigh Melissa Robson said: "We’re so proud of our friend! Fight or flight, not everyone could run into a burning building, he’s a legend."

Marisa Blaney said the story was the 'best thing I'll read all day'.

Wendy Robertson said: "Well done! Glad everyone was ok. Hope they are all sorted soon."

Mackenzie Leder said: "Absolute hero, so glad everyone is okay."

Sky Gray said: "I'd do the same for my cats, good on him."

Tracy Curwen added: "So glad it was a good outcome, could’ve been a lot worse. Well done," while Julie Elliot said: "How wonderful the dogs were saved."

Sharon Halliburton said Daniel was a 'total hero'. 

One web user said: "If any one person deserves all the help he can get along with his family it's him. A very very courageous act. Applaud you loudly. Full respect and best wishes to your family and the dogs involved."