We shared the final General Election results with our readers as Labour returned to power after a landslide victory.

Julie Minns was elected the Labour MP for Carlisle and North Cumbria.

Here's what readers thought.

Phil Jobson said: "Don't gloat, Labour. Lowest vote share ever for two main parties. Clear lack of confidence in politicians full stop."

Michelle Deeley said: "Wouldn't trust any of them."

Sammy JB said: "Congratulations to Julie Minns for Carlisle, she and her campaign staff and volunteers worked tirelessly on the run into this election. A full-time MP who has this drive and desire can only be a good thing for this City."

The Facebook page Cumbrian Cheesecake said: "Congratulations and good luck Julie - no matter what party you vote for surely a full-time MP is good for a city the size of Carlisle. You will never please everyone in politics."

Stuart Clarkson said: "Let's see if things like roads, antisocial behaviour and levelling up improve. I'm eager to see the change."

Clive Beck said: "Good speech Julie, l hope you can continue the investment in our city that John has been able to achieve in recent years."

Tracy Sturgess commented: "Well done. Now change really needs to happen. It won't be an easy task with the state of the country."

Steph Counter added: "Congratulations Julie, it’s going to be a tough job no matter who got in. I hope you succeed in all you have proposed, good luck in your position."