WE shared the news that previously refused plans for constructing almost 200 homes in Penrith have now received a recommendation for approval after revisions have been made to incorporate more affordable housing.

In May, earlier this year, despite suggestions from planning officers, the Strategic Planning Committee for Westmorland and Furness Council turned down proposals placed forward by Story Homes.

This scheme involves building 194 homes on the land situated between Inglewood Road and Centurion Rise.

Whilst five affordable homes had been added to the original proposals bringing it 29 homes, from 12 per cent to 15 per cent, the application was still ultimately refused.

Here's what readers thought.

Mike England said: "Penrith will not be worth living in soon. Changed a lot recently."

Stephen Hewitt said: "Define 'affordable' and how it will relate to minimum wage. What is required are social houses, for genuine locals and at a low rent."

Ian Campbell added: "Too much greenfield development in this town, stop these large-scale housing schemes ruining the look and size of Penrith. The roads and infrastructure cannot cope. The developers should in the first instance be looking to develop brownfield sites."

Colin McCandlish said: "I’m sorry it’s not more housing or affordable housing that Penrith wants/needs. It is a structured vision for the future that we need.

"Schools, hospitals, dental surgeries, road infrastructure, drainage, sewerage systems to cope with the increases. All of the above must be included into any contract of any potential construction company asking to build," he added.