WE shared the news that work is set to begin on the multi-million-pound Market Square and Greenmarket Regeneration Project in Carlisle. 

The aim of the project, boosted by central government investment, will be to transform the city centre's 6,000-square-metre space into an attractive destination for both locals and visitors, including a revamped area to serve as a unique 'multifunctional events space'. 

Here's what readers thought.

Vicky O'Neill said: "All good the town centre looking nice, but there are no shops to browse. Having a nice looking town centre isn't going to attract people to come if there are no shops to go in."

Frances Rowley said: "I don't bother with Carlisle anymore, shops are pathetic and the disabled parking is non-existent."

Liz Nicholls replied: "Totally agree I don't go to town either unless absolutely forced for that exact reason."

Moreno Giovannini said: "If it looks anything like the images then it’ll be really nice."

One web user said: "A timely update as the area's barely been touched since the 1980s. Should add a bit more character to the centre, another welcome addition."

Another commented: "Much needed for this city, fresh pavements, new benches, trees, lights. We just need to have a major attraction in Debenhams. I'm looking forward to that, they are building a stage style for the seating for live music."