We asked our readers what they thought of a four-day working week.

Here's what they said.

James N-c said: "Yes. Study after study shows it increases productivity and helps staff engagement and retention."

David Cooke supported the idea while Sarah McAvoy said: "Considering I work in a school, that would only be possible if the schools were four-day weeks too."

Amanda Stedman said: "I work four on, four off 13-hour shifts, wouldn't go back to working five days a week it's great having four days off."

Jill Burrows added: "Yes I work the same hours over four days now it's great."

Daisy Dolittle agreed it was a good idea.

CB DeCaan commented: "Three or four per week is fine, if paid for three or four. The current proposal, if people check it, is actually doing five days' worth of hours over four days - so a longer working day but a longer 'weekend' too. Fine if it suits people; fine if it's not too long and stressful and tiring a day, which it may be for some."

Pauline Burke said: "It's all flexible now anyway, not a straight 9am to 5pm any more."