Carlisle United's supporters' trust say they share the Piataks' delight at the resounding backing from fans for the takeover deal.

CUOSC, whose members voted 98 per cent in favour of the deal, said they were "blown away" by the turnout and the huge majority in favour of the Americans.

The ringing endorsement from supporters for the Piataks was a key step in the takeover which the Florida family will now look to push through in the coming weeks.

It leaves Brunton Park on the brink of a new era, although a resolution to the club’s debt with Purepay Retail Limited remains to be secured.

CUOSC chair Matt Spooner said the voter turnout and the result from members, which was announced on Wednesday evening, was a landmark moment in the takeover and for the trust.

“This vote, for us, marks the end of our involvement in terms of the deal and transaction completing – we’re now waiting for the other owners and the regulatory processes to complete,” he said.

“I have no reason to doubt that it won’t be the success that we are all wanting.

“I was blown away [by the result], the rest of our board were, and the family echoed that.

“The family are as happy as we are. They were blown away. I don’t think they expected it to be such a resounding show of support for them.”

Of 701 votes cast, 688 voted in favour of the resolution which will reduce CUOSC’s voting shares in CUFC Holdings from 25.4 per cent to ten per cent, with the Piataks proposing to acquire 90 per cent.

Only 12 voted against, with one spoiled vote. It followed last weekend’s members’ meeting when the Piatak family gave a detailed presentation on their plans for United.

Tom Piatak told the News & Star he was keen to get the deal done by around October 14-20, with details having been submitted to the EFL to satisfy the league’s owners’ and directors’ test.

News and Star: Matt Spooner speaking at last Sunday's members' meetingMatt Spooner speaking at last Sunday's members' meeting (Image: Barbara Abbott)

“The family have been fully committed to getting this deal done as long as I’ve been talking to them. And, from the period of exclusivity, so have the shareholders. They have been thorough,” added Spooner.

“They’ve made sure that all the things the family have claimed they can do, are all evidenced and documented. They’ve put the best interests of the club forward.

“Tom II [Tom Piatak’s son] said they’re ready to get to work – they don’t see it as them owning the club, more as finding a way for the club to progress.

“After the vote, I had some messages with Tom II, and they’re clearly excited and I would say giddy to get in and continue meeting fans, to hear from more fans, and get a list of things they can box off early on and see some real changes within the first few months.

“Everyone else involved in this transaction are doing what they can and need to.”

It represents a significant step for the trust, too, with Spooner optimistic that a reduction in their own stake in United can still be coupled with progress.

“We knew, and we still respect and recognise, that there are some people in the membership who don’t agree with what’s happening,” the CUOSC chair added to the News & Star.

“The common trend I hear is that the 25.37 per cent was there for a reason, and there was a legal reason behind that.

“A lot of people see that as blocking mechanism to protect the club from bad things. But one thing that was at the front of my mind is that, as a trust that holds that significant shareholding, we also need to enable things and to allow the club to improve and develop.

“We also need to allow for the trust to be part of that future in a more responsible and relevant way.

“We’ve been acutely aware that the trust is normally only mobilised, so to speak, in adversity. This is a significant show that our members are ready for change not only with the club but in CUOSC.

News and Star: CUOSC members backed the Piataks by a huge majorityCUOSC members backed the Piataks by a huge majority (Image: Barbara Abbott)

“There is a chance for us now to really kick on. Where we go from here is the discussion we need to have now – we need to find ways of reaching more fans, continuing the upward growth trends we’ve seen, and with the board seats, work a little differently and hopefully be a bit more positively viewed by fans.”

The prospect of a looming takeover could also bring even more fans through the gates at Brunton Park, the CUOSC chair said.

“Tom senior used the phrase ‘step change’,” he added.

“There’s no doubt that behind the scenes for the last few years, the club has been run successfully. We’ve seen a reduction in the operating losses, post-Covid we came out of it successfully and the people behind the scenes have genuinely done a good job and the owners have cared, still care and will continue to care.

“What this gives the club the chance to do now is reach new people, new ideas and sometimes a fresh set of eyes is what we need.

“I’m optimistic that something as exciting as this will bring more fans through the gates and it will accelerate the chances we have of being more resilient in this league, turning draws into wins and cementing ourselves further up the table.”