A Carlisle United fans podcast has interviewed its 'dream guest' Paul Simspon. 

The Last Ditch Podcast, which is run by Daniel Morris and Oli Caig, interviewed the Blues' boss in its latest installment. 

The episode with Simpson added to the duo's star-studded collection of local guests which have included current and former Carlisle United players Taylor Charters and Ryan Edmondson, Blues co-owners Nick DeMasi and Jenna Piatak, and the News & Star's award-winning reporter Jon Colman. 

Dan and Oli also recently teamed up with fellow Carlisle United channel, the Blue Army Podcast, to raise nearly £2,000 for mental health charity Mind with a charity football match which was held at Gretna FC 2008's Raydale Park.

The Last Ditch Podcast's interview with Paul Simpson is now live on YouTube and speaking after its publishing, Dan was ecstatic that he and Oli were able to secure their dream guest.

He said: "When we started the podcast me and Oli both said who our dream guests would be.

"Oli said Paul Simpson and I said Cristiano Ronaldo and they are obviously different but we really wanted to get Simmo on.

"Before we got Ryan Edmondson on we were thinking about getting Paul on during the off-season."

As the interview with the Carlisle United manager approached, Dan was admittedly nervous but explained how Simpson's demeanor helped him and Oli ease into the podcast and explore the storied career of the Blues boss. 

He said: "I am nervous for every interview, I think it might be having to speak to a camera but a few minutes in and when he started talking I was completely relaxed.

"I had bullet-pointed lots of topics that we wanted to go through and we went through his career from the start to where we are now.

"It worked perfectly because it was free-flowing, there was no pressure so it was really good and he answered everything really well. 

Finally, Dan was keen to thank Carlisle United and Paul Simpson for interacting with The Last Ditch Podcast and shared his hopes that the Blue will continue to embrace fan culture and fan media. 

He said: "It shows how far we have come as a podcast was Paul was so keen to speak to us and when we were chatting he was never checking his watch or anything. 

"The club have been brilliant with their interactiveness on Twitter and Instagram and opening up to us.

"There are other fan channels and I think it is all really good because it puts eyes on the club and I hope it continues."