Carlisle United fans gave us their views on X after the 4-1 opening-day defeat to Gillingham. Here's a selection of their comments.

The third goal killed any hope of salvation. The lads played some nice stuff and dominated much of the game, but you can't give the opposition gifts, and Wyke missed two great opportunities. Margins. However, Barrow has to be a win. (@BruceVander)

Bottom line is, you concede four goals it's mission impossible 99 percent of the time, and we gifted them three, Gillingham bang average, worrying (@matty017)

Self inflicted in many ways, we still have not addressed properly the loss of Guy and Mox, the individual mistakes on the field and off the pitch cannot be overlooked, leaving Ben on for so long was very difficult to understand, he was clearly running on fumes and the extremely late introduction of Armstrong and Kelly was completely baffling, but we did have some very good moments, but sadly only finished one of them. A tough day (@MarkWard18)

No need to have a wobble just yet, individual mistakes, a team still gelling, lots of injuries & a makeshift midfield away, against the league's 2nd favourites for promotion... On another day, it could have been a comfortable win. (@ChrisWi98306072)

Struggling to see what’s changed over the summer. Familiar unforced errors by keeper & defenders leading to soft goals. An inability to take clear cut chances. All leading to a heavy defeat. (@hatkinson5527)

Star striker signing misses sitter, Keeper makes a howler again and at fault for one of the others. Defensive signing puts their striker through on goal perfectly for the second. No pace, Mellish into midfield, 2 expensive strikers sent on with 2 mins to go. So on balance not good (@Glass942)

Some good but far too much bad. Unacceptable start. (@parkisonross)

A weird game in terms of our dominance for large spells but feels like the same old story from early last season. Barrow game is massive now! (@stewelsh)

Individual errors gave them a 2 goal start and sapped our confidence (fragile after last season). Need to capitalise when we’re on top. Some great interplay in the first half and I hope we see more of that in the coming weeks to silence the critics and get some positive results (@tim_martland)

Afraid it feels like same old, Defending was poor, same problem as last season can't put chances away, gifting goals. Bring on 2 strikers at 88 when the game is gone and we need to strengthen midfield. Hopefully it's just the opening day blip and things improve next Sat (@skythelimit1970)

Played some really good football first half and made them look poor but failing to finish chances when on top and another clanger from Harry Lewis sets us up to be beaten when they clicked into gear.. in fact this team performance could have been copy and paste from last season (@Wisey6575)

Trying to remain positive but very weak in midfield, defensive and keeper errors costing us yet again, 4-1 very harsh but didn't take our chances and punished (@cufccraig1983)

Shockingly poor. Worryingly like last season. We are incredibly one paced and pedestrian especially in midfield (@AndyMortonPark)

There's no need to throw the baby out with the bath water just yet. On another day we could have taken something if the opposition weren't so clinical. We have to hope that it doesn't dent the confidence too much. (@BlueArmyBlog)

More errors giving teams a head start. Didn’t feel the squad was finished even before the injuries. Crying out for pace and creativity. I am worried patten from last season and pre season will continue into the season like today. Need a big response at home next Saturday (@andrewhoddie)

Injuries or not, having a ‘step change’ budget and starting the first game of the new season with Ben Barclay in midfield is criminal. We’re also persisting with a keeper who has conceded about 97% of shots on target against him since he signed. (@RyanWood85)

Bitterly disappointing. Looked good for 65 minutes but conceded two unbelievably sloppy goals then collapsed in final 20 minutes. Very worrying that we can play so well & so poorly in the same game! (@JRBulman)

Goalkeeper at fault yet again but he seems to be guaranteed a place. Glaring lack of pace and creativity in the squad. Failure to address shortcomings in the close season. No Plan B. This can’t be allowed to continue. (@MikeTurney7)

It’s like looking in the mirror of last season! Woeful at best (@barry_maxey)

Two awful goals to concede at start of each half put us on the back foot. Got a foothold in with Mellish's goal, however, the third finished us off and were well beaten at the end. Wyke should have got us level, but we seem to keep repeating the defensive errors of last season (@CowellLes1975)

Thought Williams played well after getting signed last minute. We were pretty much on top all game until the 3rd goal, costly errors cost us the game, more signings required as well we had a weak bench (@liamedmo11)

5-3-2 just doesn't work for us especially since it's technically 6-2-2 since he shoves a defender in midfield. Not happy at all (@Sloath89)

No lessons learned from last season. Same mistakes costing us. (@CUFC9495)

Soft individual errors cost us. I’m running out of patience with the keeper (no matter how nice a bloke he might be), could end up costing the gaffer his job! Need to cut out stupid mistakes at both ends of the park. (@ScottBeeby1)

Same system. Same mistakes. Same outcome. What’s the definition of insanity? (@RichM996207)

It’s just embarrassing now a bit like Paul’s excuses (@keithelliott94)

Should never have been given the summer. Total clear out of the coaching team was required and a new team with fresh ideas brought in. To start the season with 6 defenders in the team, no width and yet again zero pace is disgraceful. (@JamieNewton77)

Lose to Barrow next week and he’s done. That being said he should’ve gone last season really. (@dan_batemannn)

Keeper looking like a problem once again. Also changing to 433 when the manager publicly said he won’t sign wingers shows a lack of a plan B (@blando98)

Poor goalkeeping again (Holy would have plucked it from the air). Thomas wasn't switched on for #2, too busy chatting his family in the stand at the break. We dominated but it was all aerial & one dimensional, with the midfield being by-passed. One positive: Williams looked good. (@adydent67)

Feel like every time we have a shot against us, it goes in. Never seen a team so poor at the basics at defending. It’s fundamental for how they want to play. (@MarketMobsterUK)

For what Simmo has done for us think I he deserved a go at this season. But I think recruitment with the money we have has been awful. Love Simmo but he’s looking like repeating mistakes. Abbott has been an awful appointment. Change them both now before it’s too late (@AndyRob__)

Well it's a thrashing on paper but family, at the game today, say it wasn't a 4-1 game. It seems poor decision making has cost us but that's what separates winners from losers. Plenty good stuff from the new guys...benefit of the doubt, still bedding in. Lewis? mmmmmm! (@LindaNi121202)

This result puts him under an awful lot of pressure for next Saturday. Lose that, and then an away day at MK Dons, and we could be staring at 3 straight defeats. I think there was enough in the performance yesterday to not be too disheartened, but have to be on it next week (@mark_rothery)

Embarrassing (@johnstone_mikey)

It’s not really a shock, personally think he should have went at Xmas but living on past glories. Concerns over signings and man management, style of play but that part was better today. Borrowed time (@fatflags)

2 shocking individual mistakes can’t blame Simmo for that more legs in needed in midfield needed with a bit of creativity (@lukeelliot10)

Wtf is actually going on at the club ? The amount of injuries we’ve had over the last year is absolutely ridiculous! Needs seriously looked at again as Simmo said last season they were going to look into this problem. Shambles tbh (@monarchming1)

Different players, same fragilities. We have no winning mentality. Only 4 wins this calendar year tells its story. Tactically odd again. Only a change of manager/coaching staff will deliver the Piataks' objectives. Let's not be sucked into the 'let's see where we are after 5 - 10 games' (@Andythehood)

Don't think the owners will have been impressed! Simmo spent a lot of their money on defence and attack. All they have to show for it was a 4 goal thrashing and a consolation from a player who predates his time as manager. Fewer than 10 points from first 10 and he will be gone. (@MikeEwins)

Cheer up everyone. It’s only one game. (@midlandscufc)