Carlisle United fans gave us their views on X after the 1-0 victory over Barrow - here is a selection of their comments.

Did the job, nobody should underestimate what a pressure game this was with long overdue 3 points on a Saturday plus being derby day. Archie Davies outstanding (@mtuj1984)

Better team by far 1st half. Thought the ref missed a definite penalty for handball. Second half, we tired, but hung on. A few more recruits are required and work to be done on crosses into our box. (@BruceVander)

A great result and fully deserved after such a composed first half, we did have some wobbles in the second half, but Vela, Barclay and Neal bossed us through the second half, with Hayden holding us together in defence, well done Blues and especially Dan with a well deserved goal and MOM (@MarkWard18)

Enjoyed that! Solid performance, they didn’t trouble us, great atmosphere throughout, Warwick improvements fantastic, and a nice send off for Mr Jenkins too (@mancumbrianmike)

Solid defensively and we worked really hard as a team. Sadly still no real creativity or pace, if we want success this season we need both of those things. Davies, Hayden, Thomas excellent as was our match winner. Set piece delivery woeful however! (@Halpinforpope)

Great win and great start to the weekend, I honestly don't care how we do it as long as we win. If we can grind out results we will grow in confidence. Don't think there was one player that didn't show any fight. (@skythelimit1970)

Solid team performance without creating too many clear cut chances. Midfield did well today but we need significant signings if we're to progress into a team which can defend & generate chances to win games. Very positive considering the injuries. Up the blues! (@fish_blues)

Game of two halves, we stood strong in second half and a great psychological boot for Lewis and Lavelle in particular (@vanqate)

Dominant throughout without being totally threatening. Just need that extra spark in midfield and replacements 'cos after 70 mins they looked shattered. Nice to have a clean sheet too - Lewis took a couple of crosses at just the right time. (@adydent67)

Exactly what the doctor ordered. Win and a clean sheet. Dan Adu was absolutely brilliant today. Vela and Neal worked their socks off. Onto a tough game next weekend though (@josephscott2005)

Result more important than performance, not too sure about Wyke as captain. Hayden got a ball blasted in the face and got up straight away like a true leader. We need creativity and pace big time if we are to challenge this season (@fatflags)

Deserved win against a team that didn’t offer much, chuffed for the goalie and Simmo after taking a lot of grief recently (@NavyDave94)

Well that was a proper game, proper atmosphere, proper and deserved result. Was willing Wyke to score, but again not today! Things will improve as this team of newbies gel. Great end with " Weekend in Paradise " blasting out. #coyb (@LindaNi121202)

Result is all that matters and it’s a great 3 points (@keithelliott94)

Solid, good running, and composed. We were never put under any pressure. Dealt with them easily. (@carlisl9125)

A welcome win defence looks good and if we can get some craft and speed in midfield could be an exciting season. We do seem to attract injuries (@frostie_)

3 points and a clean sheet, can't ask for anymore, 1 or 2 more players off a seriously good side (@cufccraig1983)

The team looks more physical than last season that's for sure. A few meaty challenges got me off my seat (@teddymcready01)

Solid team performance without creating too many clear cut chances. Midfield did well today but we need significant signings if we're to progress into a team which can defend & generate chances to win games. Very positive considering the injuries. Up the Blues! (@fish_blues)

Everyone grafted from minute one - for the doubters - that ain’t a dressing room that’s struggling. Admittedly, Spence decent for them but considering the likes of James Phillips were “bigging up” how their midfield were better, I thought the lads in the middle took the applauds (@Invisiblebear84)

Good performance but need 1 or 2 more signings (@sadcarlislefan)

Controlled 1st half, workmanlike and solid 2nd half. Morale boosting victory. (@RonnieSmith1964)

Good solid, if unspectacular performance. Dan Adu rightly given the accolades. It’s a start but still lots to do and some strengthening required to compete at the top. Once they all gel could be a good season! COYB!! (@Snakeeyes7475)