Carlisle United fans have given us their reaction on X to the news of Mike Williamson's appointment as the Blues' new head coach.

Here is a selection of their comments:

Intrigued and excited about what the future holds. Pleased we haven't just jumped on the managerial merry-go-round and we can build something with a young, and progressive manager, playing football that most people have been asking for (and seems to match the academy too!). UTB! (@RyCUFC)

Sounds like a forward thinking and progressive young manager. He has brought his trusted team with too. Exciting times. Hope the squad responds to them with enthusiasm and, most importantly, positive results and performances. (@scholes_peter)

This is a very solid appointment. If we’d made a change in the summer and got him people would’ve been delighted. A difficult start this season doesn’t make him a bad manager. Really looking forward to seeing him introduce his style of play but we need a bit of patience. (@mattselliott)

I'm delighted we've gone for a progressive, forward-thinking manager and not just an out of work "name" on the EFL merry-go-round. He knows what he wants. Whether he can get it from these players will be the test but even from one training session, I like what I've seen. (@1StevieKilner)

Exciting appointment, hopefully he’ll be given time to turn this talented squad around! Good luck Mike! (@Halpinforpope)

Great appointment ..but will take time to change a losing mentality .. but definitely the way forward need to support him like we did with Simmo .. especially if times get tough ... fair play to the Piataks for paying the compo.... much appreciated. (@deyakenjohnpeel)

Only time will tell. The fact he has worked with a number of players currently at the club speaks volumes that he got the job. The fact his staff were willing to uproot and follow him here also speaks volumes. Onwards and upwards. (@gordon_matty)

The process from a distance appeared a little disjointed at times, but I think with Mike and his coaching team, with the backing of the Piatak family, we have the potential to build something very special and hopefully there are exciting times ahead for #cufc (@MarkWard18)

Can't argue with his achievements & seems to fit well with what the Piataks are looking for. Sounds like MK were good at home on a big pitch but poor away. Local journo says he is very set in his ways & maybe not adaptable enough. Be fascinating to see us play out from the back (@BackoSkiddaw)

Should have happened last xmas, We are now 2 windows behind where we could have been & it’s wasted resources as he won’t want half the squad I imagine, But FINALLY we can start moving forward on the field (@SpadesCougar)

Speaks well and comes across with a positive ‘can do’ attitude. A major improvement is the fact he brings a team of coaches with different specialties that can provide major input into the finished article on the pitch. A great appointment for me (@Wisey6575)

Excited already. Anyone who wants the first pass to be a ‘vertical’ pass will get our fans going and I think the squad can get behind the intensity he is looking for. But we will need a new dugout - he’s 6ft 4! (@JHallHDI)

Delighted. He just needs time. A huge transformation of the club, which ideally would be before a transfer window, but I supported giving Simmo time too. I hope he gets the backing from fans and club alike to let him take us into next season. If this works, it'll be brilliant. (@dashammer13)

Excited, fresh and looking forward to see what's in store. Welcome Mike, Ian and team. Up the Blues! (@refgrant91)

Williamson was unveiled by United yesterdayWilliamson was unveiled by United yesterday (Image: Barbara Abbott)

Really happy with the move, fans need to be patient with the change in form but come on up the blues (@james_cufc2000)

Very happy. Really think he’ll take us somewhere. (@HarringtonJoe)

Certainly interesting. Speaks well and clearly has a very clear playing style. Whether on not that suits the players will be another thing. Alarming we've appointed a HC before a SD even more so with the Sweeting rumours, however all in all an appointment we can get behind (@keeperstuart)

Brings a positive vibe to the club after a miserable few weeks. Hopefully that positivity can be transferred onto the pitch as that is where we most desperately need it (@mark_rothery)

Good, ambitious appointment and while you can't guarantee anything he's got a good chance of turning the season round. (@ticketaddict)

Looking forward to his style of football. He will need time to get the players playing the way he wants. I hope the fans give him a little time but a new manager bounce wouldn’t go amiss. Best playing surface in the league about time we used it. (@andrewhoddie)

He speaks well and with him fetching his coaches with him they’ll hopefully get their style of play implemented quickly I’m happy hope he’s successful with us (@NavyDave94)

Overall, if you take away; - Timing - The Sweeting situation - MK Dons adverse start Then this would be met with overwhelming backing. A manager shouldnt be defined on 6 out of 221 games. Should get our full backing n support. Now go get Rob Elliot to complete the Gateshead band (@InvisibleBear84)

I really like what I've heard from him today, positive, modern thinking coach. I think he'll do well for us in the long term #UTB (@JohnCs45)

On pitch transformation to match the off pitch stuff. Someone that has potential to take us up more than 1 division. Pretty football doesn’t guarantee results but ugly football hasn’t either so looking forward to a modern approach that can also be the model for the academy. (@paulmason2000)

Mick Wadsworth vibe? Speaks well and has a decent track record. Really hope he and his team embrace the opportunity. Really hope he can turn things around and achieve the owners' expectations..COYB! (@Snakeeyes7475)

We have one of the largest and best playing surfaces in English football. We're crying out for someone who likes to play attractive passing football on it. We've been very vulnerable against better footballing sides previously....If MW can implement his style, we could be like Barcelona in a few games. And stomp all over this League. (@daverigg)

Brilliant move. Really pleased. Very interested to see who will be DOF. Supported my club for 50 years plus. This is a real special time for our club UTB (@AndyMortonPark)

This appointment would have happened years we have always gone safe with managers. But I like the look of this one, he has a lot of experience at the age if 40, it will probably take time to to get his philosophy to the players but it could be an excellent appointment (@karl72465)

I'm chuffed (@RobMorley_)

Fantastic appointment, impressed with what he brings to the club. Onwards and upwards. (@PT_ITSM)

Not too excited actually. Pleased we are over the impasse, but not exactly the man I was expecting. I wish him well, but the Paddock will be the Judge and Jury. Mid table finish predicted. (@AyeCumbrian)

Content with the appointment (time will tell, of course) but eager to know why leave MK Dons. They are a big club with a massive stadium (as opposed to a football ground). His frustration at under archiving at MK is my thought and the Piataks gave him the confidence to achieve (@stanjcook)

Recruitment needs to be better, better quality, hopefully this is a new step in a forward direction. The owners can back his judgement & the club can stabilise & move forward. The playing staff are poor, bad choices & poor ability. Expect more loan players to come quickly. (@Dougmacd9826)

I watched his initial interview and was like "meh, he's s boring AF" then seeing him on CUTV with the lads and engaging with other staff, I'm sold! Open door policy and how he seems to want to be a team member rather than a boss is very refreshing after what we've had (@DavidJav9954)

Where's the sporting director? And did they have a say in this appointment. Can't say I'm that excited sadly. Hope I'm wrong (@Cmarin992)

Into it! Season starts now!! Up the Williamson Blues #newera (@henryrich50)

I have to say I'm pretty disappointed by this appointment. His record with MK Dons hardly fills me with optimism, esp considering our current position. Is he really the best we could get !! I hope he proves me wrong tho' @standing_green)

Carlisle has a historic problem of not attracting players, especially strikers. Now we can’t stop leaking goals-like a sieve. First thing to do, stop conceding, cut out the errors. The new owners have proved they are willing to put their money where their mouth is (@steel_biogas)

Think this could be a superb appointment. Sounds really intelligent and measured when he speaks, can easily see why they've gone for him. (@mtuj1974)