Carlisle United fans gave us their views on X after the Blues' 4-0 defeat at AFC Wimbledon - here's a selection of their comments.

No desire. No strength. Little effort. Accepting their lot without a fight. Defence should be sacked en-mass. Wimbledon didn't get out of 1st gear. Williamson needs to be told to forget tippy-tappy football and get them back to basics and man-up. An utter shambles. (@BruceVander)

Shocking, and a number of games in MW seems to be having little impact and we continue to try and get the players playing in a style they don't have the ability for. This is driving me to drink in completely wrong way. (@Bluebolero)

There was a performance? I just thought 11 men apparently representing Carlisle United Football Club barely turned up to fulfil a fixture to be honest… (@MarkWhitfield2)

The number of goals conceded within the first 10 min is racking up leading to a "here we go again" situation for fans AND players. If there's no confidence in the defence and GK we really are sunk. This has been going on too long AND we have nearly a whole new team. (@LindaNi121202)

Embarrassing performance. A real lack of energy and determination. Whatever style you play you can’t be as weak in the tackle (or fouling opponents) or be shrugged off the ball so easily. Some of the players showing their limitations all too clearly. (@tim_martland)

We are 5 league games into the tenure of Mike Williamson and what has changed? Players? Drained of confidence. Decent on paper, terrible on the pitch. Tactics? A shambles. Motivation? Non-existent. Relegation? As things stand - inevitable. Peeve? Only to forget, not to celebrate. (@1StevieKilner)

That’s the worst for quite some time. No desire, no heart, no effort, and a real lack of quality throughout. These tactics might well work in the future, but we need results now and we need them quickly. He is going to have to abandon his principles, get the ball forward (@Halpinforpope)

Don't want to go in too hard on players with fragile confidences. But! There's some of them on good money that appear to not give a hoot. This all goes back to shocking recruitment in January - Simmo should never been allowed 1 never mind 2 (@bruntonblue10)

Rightfully bottom of the league, players don’t look like they are interested, effort and commitment missing. Can’t defend, can’t create chances - looking bleak (@andrewhoddie)

One of worst away performances I’ve seen. Terrible tactics! No threat. Relegation is a threat. Got to be able to mix it up. No pace up top, no wingers how can you stretch the game spreading the ball across the back?! (@fish_blues)

Best team we have played this season, so no disgrace losing. However our inability to score goals (none in 4 now) relegated us last season, and will do so again, unless we sort it. Anyone who thinks we aren't in a relegation dog fight now needs to wake up and smell the coffee (@MikeEwins)

The last 12 months have been extremely bleak. Everybody associated with the club have to take responsibility and find a way out of this mess because this hurts. Williamson has a real job on, as we look toothless in attack and are a shambles defensively. The stats don't lie. (@BenJoseph0157)

Piataks - whoever is advising them they need to sack them off! They are living in another universe if they think that squad of players can get us anywhere above mid table or even avoid relegation! Worst away performance for me ever and I have been a fan for 50 years (@barry_maxey)

Have tried to give Harry Lewis as much of a chance as I can, but I’m starting to want to throw Gabe Breeze in. Lewis is primarily there as a shot stopper, to come and claim crosses etc. We haven’t seen that often enough since he signed. How many times yesterday was he frightened to death of coming off his line for crosses/corners? If you’re Harrogate Town next week, then that’s all I’ll be putting in to the 6 yard box! Fed up of hearing “he’s good with his feet”. I could pass it out to our centre backs who have split right or left… what good is that anyway, when we haven’t got the players to play that type of football at the moment? Big Harrison Neal fan based on the performances he put in last season in an absolute lost cause, but he’s looking a shadow of the player he can be. The owners have backed the recruitment team, but heads need to roll. The owners have had their pants pulled down with a lot of the sigoings (@ScottBeeby1)

Absolutely awful on every conceivable level. Relegation isn’t a threat - it’s a definite if we carry on like this. As desperate as we are to see this brand of football Williamson brings, now is not the time. Absolute pragmatism is required - play to the few strengths we might have (@mark_rothery)

Dismal performance. We don't have time to get players moving in that direction at all, it took a long time at Gateshead and worked but that's a medium term goal. The short term goal is stopping the rot and grinding results. We banked on January last year and look where it got us. (@krisfoster)

He badly needs to find a bit of pragmatism and tweak his game plan I'm afraid - I worry that we're going to end up rushing Guy and Charters back into starting berths well ahead of schedule. (@leerooney)

Where is the fight, the passion, the creativity? I just don't know what to say anymore. (@skythelimit1970)

That was very poor, worst team performance I have seen in a very long time, Callum and Taylor were the only bright spots in an otherwise abject display. (@richieklik1409)

This team would struggle in a walking football league! (@MikeTurney7)

Williamson may be the right man in the future but right now, absolutely not, hasn’t got the players to play his style (not his fault) we needed someone else who plays to the players strengths atm, and we can’t play possession based football, it’s hard to watch, needs changed (@_Grahamo_)

We're getting worse every week 1st 45 mins absolutely shocking (@Gazza5154Gp)

Relegation is looking right at us (@carlisl9125)

If I was mike Williamson I would have the lot of them back in in the morning a double session only Friday off until everything sinks in. I would be embarrassed to pick up a wage for that performance (@alstlkr1967)

Completely unacceptable performance, no effort, no desire, no skill. If Williamson thinks that this sort of football will get us out of trouble then he needs a long think. Keep ball only works when players actually KEEP the ball, not give it away also the idea is to score goals (@peterjo91525330)

Just bored of this now. Good to see Guy and Charters back but how long before they get dragged down with the rest of them? (@AndyGri45559875)

A disgrace. Hard to find any positives apart from Guy getting minutes. Williamson has to have a rethink on the best way to get something out of this squad until the transfer window because what he’s doing now is bordering on stupidity. Good managers can adapt. We’re in bother (@leecrowe007)

Almost back to the Keith Millen era, performance wise. A bunch of clueless, gutless individuals atm. Williamson needs to have a rethink & try to mash something together with this group, because on and off the ball it’s like watching a bunch of ballet dancers with a balloon. (@johny_wood)

Heartless, clueless, directionless dross. Shameful. Zero pride in the shirt and yet again when on the field leadership was required nobody stepped up and that’s after we’d supposedly recruited a team of leaders. The trap door to none league beckons (@Wisey6575)